*림보: Limbo

뛰어난 영상미는 암울한 느낌마저 오묘한 느낌으로
버무려 낸다. 마치 한편의 느와르 영화를 보고 있는 듯한 착각마저 들게 한다.
아 정말 해보고 싶다.
이글을 쓰고 나도 계속 고민중이다. 맥 애플샵에서 구입할까 말까?

“Boy uncertain of his sister’s faith enters limbo” is the tag line of the absolutely wonderful game “Limbo”, now available for Mac!

The game takes on a journey of a boy that transverses through the ‘horrible world’ challenged by obstacles which gradually more difficult and more hostile (see video interview at the bottom with Mads Wibroe, the producer). Somewhat influenced by film noir, the game is a solitary, dark, black, silhouette filled journey filled with soft depth blur to describe mood. No text, no music, in “Limbo” you are in the game, alone, in the dark. - our post from may 2010

Limbo won Excellence In Visual Art and Technical Excellence award at the IGF and previously only available for the XBox. You can read the full interview with the PlayDead’s CEO Dino Patti on IFC.com.

from  creativeapplications


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