*분리형 땅콩주택 [ L3P Architekten AG FH SIA ] two single-occupancy detached houses

두개의 돌덩이리,
닮은 듯 다른 이란성 쌍둥이 같은 하우스는 낮은 담벼락과
폰드를 경계로 나누어져 있다.
싱글 2호세대를 위한 주거형태는 우리나라의 땅콩주택처럼
한 대지에서 각기 다른 세대의 공동주거형태를 재미있는 형태와
배치로 보여줌으로써 또다른 생활패턴을 제안한다.
마당을 공동으로 사용하는 땅콩주택과는 달리
분리된 아웃도어 스페이스는 각각 세대의 프라이버시를
존중하며 서로다른 공간을 제공한다.
또한 새대 사이에 놓여진 폰드는 막혀진 메스로 인한
공간의 긴장감을 풀어주며 그라운드 레벨에 위치한
리빙스페이스와도 연계성이 좋도록 계획되었다.

메스를 두개의 공간으로 분리함으로써
각 세대간에 발생하는 간섭을 미연에 방지하는 동시에
각기 다른 공간의 활용으로 부모님을 모시는 2세대 거주형태나
친구 또는 형제와 거주하는 동거형 주거형태에도 적합한 사례로 볼 수 있다.

reviewed by SJ

Despite the small size of the parcel of land, two single-occupancy detached houses have been developed in a countryside setting taking a new path in reference to volumetry and spacial definitions. The basic type of detached house has been split, the work being akin to a sculpturer’s work. Polygonal bodies were formed in which the mutual proximity becomes a quality. The mirroring of water and façade in the water basin hints at a clear vision within these rooms, which are among themselves but without direct insight to each other – a special place with strong vibrancy and intimacy.

The position in the parcel of land also moulds the inner area. An elaborately-devised subdivision arranges the rooms in a split-level system and allows the hillside characteristics to also be experienced in the building itself. While the inner walls are masoned and smoothly plastered, the exposed concrete outer walls, the black polished and jointless floor and large window fronts add to a cool technical conclusion. Elaborate skylights allow an atmosphere of light to develop which features a spiritual force and vibrancy.

The materialization of the facade and the roof are conspicuous. Together with the artist Thomas Sonderegger, we experimented with a surface of galvanised steel.
We were able to fabricate a sheet with a unique and vital expression which was deployed for a first time on the façade and in the roof area. The design added to a monolithic overall picture in which an association to a sculpturer’s work is given once again.

Citation of the artist:
The materialisation of the façade and roof add to the monolithic overall picture and allows constant pauses for a moment. When one takes a moment, one realises: something is responding and developing a plurality from itself. Something new is forming from the etching. It is growing. It lives.
It is this which constitutes the unique expression of the façade – an alchemical-generated and self-generating work from Thomas Sonderegger, and so, an artistic bow to vitality.

from  archello


Designed by JB FACTORY