*허니컴 휀스 Spoorparkeergarage Medimall te Rotterdam

허니컴 패턴은 간결하면서 고유한 디자인을 보여주며
외부 주차장 빌딩의 파사드를 감싸고 있다.
기존 휀스와는 차별화되는 감각적인 디자인으로
주차장빌딩의 이미지 그레이드를 올려 주고 있다.

The lower parking level to the exterior façade finished with an organic finish steel branches. This product MD Alberi® was applied to the bottom layer of the car park to close to a natural looking way. MD Alberi ® is a good alternative to standard fencing bars. Because the branches are made of cast steel gives it the right strength and stiffness along. Also be used as a boundary.

from  archello


Designed by JB FACTORY