*오리가미 모바일 레지던스 파빌리온 [ LAVA ] digital origami emergency shelter

오리가미는 형태를 만들어내는 기술이 아니고
공간을 만들어 내는 기술이다.
오리가미를 통해 구현된 모바일 레지던스는 새로운 주거의
패러다임과 디자인을 보여준다.
어른두명과 아이한명이 먹고, 읽고, 씻고, 잠잘 수 있는
파빌리온은 cnc커팅기롤 절삭한 플라이우드를 겹겹이 쌓아
만듬으로써 파라메트릭 디자인의 패브릭케이션을
전형적으로 보여준다.
물론 현재 상태에서 주거가 가능하지는 않다.
하지만 새로운 생각은 새로운 공간을 만들고 새로운
패러다임을 만들어서 우리를 즐겁게 한다.

 reviewed by SJ

sydney-based practice LAVA has created 'digital origami emergency shelter', a conceptual prototype for
the emergency shelter exhibition on display now in sydney, australia through september 3, 2011. a solution for
replacement housing during natural disasters, the exterior's geometric appearance, derived from a water molecule,
is intended to be stacked with other modules generating an interconnected village. currently a small scale
representation of the framework, the full size structure is capable of comfortably housing two adults and
one child for daily activities including eating, reading and sleeping.

this unit's striated elevation is constructed with layered sheets of plywood cut with a CNC machine and spaced
at even vertical intervals. contrasting the enclosure's planar surfaces, the undulating interior reveals ledges to be used as a chair or bed when needed. during a disaster situation, the pieces may be flat-packed and shipped or dropped to individuals via helicopter to be assembled on-site. readily available materials including wood, cardboard, and newspaper may be substituted and used with the same stacking method for speedy installation. at night, battery or solar operated LED lights brighten the volume while transforming the object into an illuminated lantern, proving a sign of hope to victims.

from  designboom


Designed by JB FACTORY