*주니어 스쿨 [ McBride Charles Ryan ] PEGS Junior Boys School

주거단지에 둘러 쌓인 쥬니어스쿨은
고풍스러운 이탈리아 양식의 주거의 단편을 닮았다.
얇게 썰어진 역사의 단편은 그렇게 스쿨의 입면에 투영되고
학생들을 담기 위한 공간들은 실루엣을 따라 확장되었다.
건축가의 예초 컨셉과 같이 일반적인 건축물과는 차별화되면서
주위환경의 컨텐츠를 잘 투영시킨 공간이 만들어진 것이다.
리니어한 공간의 흐름을 따라 형성된 1층은 북측면에 긴 복도를 따라
남측에 교실을 조닝하였으며 2층은 이와 반대로 남측면에 복도를 계획하여
이웃주거와의 독립성을 확보하였다.
또한 내부에서 독특한 실링라인은 자유로운 곡선으로 지붕 실루엣을 따라
가며 아이들을 구름속의 상상에 나라로 데려간다.
과감하며 독특하지만 주위환경과 조화를 이루는 형상,
그리고 분별력 있는 공간 활용은 쥬니어 스쿨을
좋은 공간으로 만든다.

reviewed by SJ

Penleigh and Essendon Junior Boys School began in an Italianate mansion on windy hill, opposite the Essendon Footy Club. This building is exceptional in a residential area where Federation housing dominates. Slowly the school has accumulated much of the property in the block bounded by Nicholson, Raleigh, Napier & Fletcher Streets. Many of the ‘houses’ are now occupied by the school. This new project, a two story year 5 & 6 block with 3 classrooms above and below, is an important addition to the school and public interface to Nicholson Street.

Architect: McBride Charles Ryan
Location: Melbourne,
Project Team: Rob McBride, Principal Architect; Debbie-Lyn Ryan, Principal Architect; Benedikt Josef, Project Manager; Amelia Borg, Natasha Maben
Engineer: Hive Engineering
Builder: Contract Control
Building Surveyor: Davis Langdon
Services Engineer: Medland Metropolis
Project Area: 1650 sqm
Photographs: Courtesy of / John Gollings

McBride Charles Ryan wanted this building to acknowledge and exploit its unusual urban condition. All wanted this building to be a unique acknowledgment of an important threshold stage in the boy’s school life. All wanted more than just good accommodation, and McBride Charles Ryan wanted a building of the imagination.

This proposal takes just the silhouette of a Federation Home, it is up-scaled, extruded and sliced. The front of the building might be described perhaps as a haunted house, the centre (the extrusion) is vaguely a Shinto Shrine, the rear (which interfaces with the schools ovals), if you squint – The Big Top.

The planning is arranged so as to provide northern courtyards to the ground floor classrooms, upstairs the corridor is switched to reduce overlooking to the adjacent neighbor. The ground floor Grade 5 classrooms have rich deep colors and an earthy ambience. The first floor is ethereal. With more than a nod to Utzons Bagsvaerd Church the complex silhouette is smoothed to a cloud like shape. The extruded chimney a source of light and a means of naturally ventilating the classroom space.

from  archdaily


Designed by JB FACTORY