리니어한 콘크리트 박스는 소브리노 하우스를 정의하고 디자인 한다.
2.5미터의 대지내 레벨차이는 공간을 정의하고
공간을 인도하는 중요한 역활을 한다.
2개의 중정(집 내부에 위치한 중정, 게스트 하우스와 본가 사이에
위치한 풀장이 있는 중정)은 중첩된 레벨에 위치하며 하우스의 이너스페이스와 긴밀한
관계를 맺는 동시에 아웃도어와 자연스럽게 연계되도록
거칠며 강렬한 콘크리트 메스와 달리
미니멀한 인테리어는 건축물과 공간을 통섭시킨다.
reviewed by SJ
Facing a complex project where the house is also a workplace, we proposed an organized level where all the living uses and human relations are possible: relax, shelter, contemplation and work.
In a topographic operation, all the family activities converges in a common volume that lands on the highest level of the ground and rises 2.5 m from the lowest part. This operation proposes the entry to the house underneath all these activities, stripping at this point the natural slope. Square floor plan, perimeter activities program in relation to the best sunshine light and views, and the circulations related to a central patio that strips the natural slope of the site, structure an eccentric and dens spatiality, where the path ways became the heart of the house. At the top of the house, a system of inverted beams and concrete tensors hold the corbels, exposing the structure as part of the identity of the house.
In this way, a family life in an elevated and intimate plan that supports different uses and senses is possible.
from contemporist