6000개의 스몰 홀을 통하여 들어오는
햇살은 반투명한 공간을 지나45미터*45미터*12미터의
큐빅 공간을 가득메운다.
독서는 지식의 습득으로 즐거움을
얻는 인간의 근본적인 욕구의 산물이다.
분명 이해 되는 분과 이해 안돼는 사람도 있을거라생각한다. 하지만 이 앎에 대한 끝없는 욕구가
지금의 우리를 만들었고 계속하여 우리의
패러다임을 변화 시킬 것이다.
사람과 지식의 징검다리 공간으로
카나자와 도서관은 거주자들의 커뮤티니와
정보공유를 원활하게 이루어 지도록 도와준다.
숲속의 나뭇잎 사이로 떨어지는 싱그러운 햇살처럼
숲속을 산책하는 오솔길처럼
도서관은 내외부의 경계가 없는 리딩스페이스가 된다.
1층에 위치한 메인 리딩스페이스는 공간을
이와 같은 공간구성을 가능하게 도와주는
외피는 균질하게 펀칭되어 있는 6000개 홀로 덮인 화이트 싱글레이어로
마치 스폰지케잌을 엎어 놓은 듯한 뉘앙스를 풍긴다.
무작위성의 디자인 패턴이 아닌 내부환경과 링크되어 있는
서피스 디자인은 25개의 기둥과 구조적으로
안정적인 형태를 유지한다. 물론 내진설계는 기본이다.
여기에 바닥히팅과 바닥냉방 그리고 보이드 공간을 이용한
자연환기 등의 설비는 도서관을 이용하는 이용자들에게
보다 쾌적한 환경을 제공한다.
균질함은 지루함을 긋는 선의 경계는 무엇일까?
reviewed by SJ
Around 6000 holes puncture the concrete exterior of this library in Kanazawa, Japan, by Kazumi Kudo and Hiroshi Horiba of Japanese firm Coelacanth K&H Architects.
Translucent glass fills each hole, diffusing natural light into the 12 metre-high reading room of the Kanazawa Umimirai Library.
This primary reading room occupies the entire first floor, overlooked by a mezzanine containing informal reading areas and a craft corner.
Kanazawa Umimirai Library
A library for the future
Reading – for the sake of knowledge or enjoyment, or to explore the world of the human imagination – is one of those experiences that gives you a sense of emotional and spiritual richness quite different from economic or monetary well-being. In this sense, the act of creating a space that surrounds you with books is undoubtedly linked to the creation of a new, enriched sense of public values.
Libraries in Japan are moving towards a model that encourages readers to stay and linger, instead of their original function as spaces for collecting and lending out books. Reflecting the general trend for libraries to facilitate reading as well as other functions, this library uses compact automated shelves that operate as a closed stack system. This is combined with halls and meeting rooms that promote social exchange between its users, much like a community center. The facility is also expected to serve as a new hub for social life among the local community.
For a public library such as this, we thought that the most important thing to have would be a reading room that provides visitors with a pleasant, comfortable space to read. This environment would allow users to experience the joy of reading while surrounded by a treasure trove of books with a overwhelming physical presence, something that the convenience of electronic and digital books cannot offer. For this project, we proposed a simple space measuring 45m by 45m with a height of about 12m, enclosed by a “punching wall” and supported by 25 pillars that would function as a storehouse for books and a hub for human communication. This huge, massive volume served as a reading space in keeping with the mood and setting of a library.
What we wanted to do, in other words, was to design a certain “atmosphere” for books and reading. This library consists of a single quiet and tranquil room that resembles a forest, filled with soft light and a feeling of openness reminiscent of the outdoors. One successful example of such a space is the old Bibliotheque Nationale (National Library) in Paris designed by Henri Labrouste, a masterpiece that was built using the most advanced steel construction technologies of the 19th century.
The building represents a continuous relationship that brings books and humans together even as it changes and evolves, transcending time and history. This simple box-like form also contains within it a certain freedom, however: this is a space that permits a composite mix of various media that will continue to change and evolve against the backdrop of an information-centered age.
The overall structure of the library resembles an internal three-layered floor covered with a large box that we refer to as a “cake box”. The large external “punching wall” in the cavernous reading room features some 6,000 small openings (measuring 200, 250 and 300mm) across its entire surface that allow a soft, uniform light to enter the building.
In addition, the burden of seismic force from any earthquakes is born across the entire expanse of this wall. A floor heating system that warms and cools the building under the floor has been installed in order to make this large space comfortable to inhabit, while large natural ventilation openings in the roof ensure a pleasant and comfortable indoor environment during the warmer months.
Calibrated and calculated with the utmost precision, this beautiful “cake box” space will hopefully become a new symbol of the western part of Kanazawa, a city that continues to face rapid urbanization.
Client: Kanazawa City
Location: Kanazawa city, Ishikawa Prefecture, Japan
Date of Completion: 2011.03
Principal Use: Library
Structure: Steel frame, reinforced concrete (partly)
Site Area: 11,763.43 m2
Building area: 2,311.91 m2
Total Floor Area: 5,641.90 m2 (469.06m2/B1F , 2,071.89m2/1F, 2,065.79m2/2F, 832.23m2/3F)
Design Period: 2008.08 – 09.06
Construction Period: 2009.09 – 11.03
Structural Engineer: OAK Structural Design Office
Mechanical Engineer: Electrical facilities: Setubikeikaku Co.,Ltd.
Machinery facilities: Scientific Air-conditioning Institute
Supervision: Kazumi KUDO + Hiroshi HORIBA / Coelacanth K&H Architects
Interior Design: furniture: Fujie Kazuko Atelier, Lighting: Koizumi Lighting Technology Corp.
Landscape Design: Soichiro Tsukamoto Architecte de Paysages (Basic design)
Exterior Finish:
-Roof: Asphalt waterproofing with torch method, acrylic resin emulsion paint high gloss type
-Exterior wall: Glass-fiber reinforced cement, fluoropolymer coating, photocatalyst KBL coating on glass surface
-Window : Aluminum sash/ Steel sash/ Stainless sash
-Trees and plants: Zelkova, Quercus myrsinifolia, Ilex pedunculosa, Quereur phillyraeoides and others
-Pavement : Permeable concrete/ Asphalt
Floor: 6.5mm tile carpet/ 5mm rubber floor tile/ 15mm compound floorings maple
Wall: 3.2mm steel panel, 1.6mm synthetic resin base ready-mixed paint/ 9.5 + 12.5mm plaster board, Synthetic resin emulsion paint/ 6mm incombustible veneer
Ceiling : 12mm rock wool board/ 25mm 80kg/m3 glass wool
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