*자동저장/자동검색, ASRS 시카고 도서관 [ Murphy Jahn ] Joe and Rika Mansueto Library

자연과 사람 그리고 공간을 생각한다.
프로그램에 대한 새로운 대안 제시와
이에 걸맞는 시스템 구축으로
이전 도서관의 시스템보다 향상된
공간과 시스템을 보여주는 시카고 대학의
기존 도서관과는 달리 지하에 위치한 공간은
차별화된 열람 시스템으로 부터 시작한다.

3백 5십만권의 책들을 자동 열람 할 수 있는 시스템(ASRS)은

사람들이 일일히 열람해서 찾아야 하는

방식을 벗어나 효율적이며 체계적인

방향을 제시하여 준다.

이와같은 시스템의 구축은 일반 박스형태의
공간과 디자인 형태에서 벗어나
다양한 공간을 연출 할 수 있도록 도와준다.
이것은 자동제어 시스템의 문서고와 열람공간의
분리로 가능해지며 이와동시에 공용공간의
퀄리티 또한 향상된다.

타원형태의 비선형 곡선 글래스 돔은
전체 열람공간을 감싸앉으며 내외부의
공간 확장을 자연스럽게 유도한다.

사람을 위한 공간으로 가득채우려 하지 말고
자연을 위한 공간의 자리를 남겨두자.
거기 남겨진 자리가 향후 당신이 숨쉴 수 있는
숨구멍이 될 것이다.

reviewed by SJ

The site in the center of the University of Campus is surrounded by a variety of different buildings. With a mixture of styles, ranging from the gothic quadrangle to the south, the Limestone Brutalism of Netsch’s Regenstein Library to the east, the Henry Moore monument and Legorreta’s colorful Student Housing to the north and a building to the west, which will be replaced by a new Science Building. There is not much to relate to.

Architect: Murphy Jahn
Location: , ,
Lead Designer: Helmut Jahn
Project Area: 58,700 sqf
Project Year: 2011
Photographs: Courtesy of

The problem was to store 3.5 million books with an Automated Storage and Retrieval System (ASRS). The expectations in the brief suggested to house those in a well designed “Box” above grade. In an effort to infringe as little as possible with the open space, make the Reading Room and the Preservation Department the most pleasant space to be in and in line with our approach to challenge habitual conventions, we opted to put the books below grade, where their environment can be better controlled to achieve the desired constant temperature and humidity of 60 degrees, 30% RH – at less cost. The people oriented spaces could thus be located at grade in a minimal elliptical glass dome, which fits the context, because it defies conventional relationships.

 think it has been embraced by the leadership of the University, because it represents the mission of the University of as catalyst for the advancement of knowledge. It is interesting that this happened at an Institution where the disciplines of Architecture and Engineering are not taught, but a spirit prevails to go beyond where others stop. Science, Physics, the liberal and applied Art start, when others think they are complete.

Once a consensus on the design was reached, the normal process started to solve the problem: comfort and sustainability, light-control, structure, life-safety, operation and maintenance.

The structural grid-shell of 120 x 240 feet and the insulated glazing represent a very minimal and intelligent system for mediating between the varying exterior conditions and the desired interior comfort.

At the interior there is a seamless integration between lighting, air supply and furnishings, which were fabricated in solid European White Oak.

More than anybody the users will benefit from an environment that is pleasant and conductive to study and research. This is not your classical Library, but points to the library of the future.

from  archdaily


Designed by JB FACTORY