*환경을 위한 재활용 쇼핑: Camerich 파빌리온의 지속 가능한 혁신 Semester Studio creates exhibition pavilion for Camerich using "borrowed materials"

명언 렘 쿨하스: "건축은 단지 물리적 공간을 만드는 것이 아니라, 사회적 의식을 일깨우는 도구다."

 "환경을 위한 재활용 쇼핑: Camerich 파빌리온의 지속 가능한 혁신"  Semester Studio creates exhibition pavilion for Camerich using "borrowed materials"

지속 가능한 건축이 화두로 떠오른 지금, Camerich의 Temporary Storage Garden Pavilion은 자원 순환과 재사용을 실현한 혁신적인 사례로 주목받고 있습니다. 이 파빌리온은 일회성 구조물이 아닌, 자재를 재사용하여 환경에 기여하는 지속 가능한 전시물입니다. 2023년 중국 국제 가구 박람회에서 처음 선보인 이 프로젝트는, 전시 후 모든 자재를 원래 용도로 되돌려 환경에 미치는 영향을 최소화합니다. 이제, Camerich 파빌리온이 지속 가능한 건축의 새로운 가능성을 어떻게 열어가고 있는지 자세히 살펴보겠습니다.

프로젝트 개요
Temporary Storage Garden Pavilion은 중국 상하이에서 열린 2023년 국제 가구 박람회에서 Semester Studio에 의해 설계되었습니다. 이 파빌리온은 재사용 가능한 자재로 제작된 일시적인 전시 구조물로, 자원의 순환과 환경에 대한 책임을 디자인의 핵심 가치로 삼고 있습니다.

설계 컨셉
이 파빌리온의 설계 컨셉은 자원의 순환과 재사용 가능한 구조물입니다. Camerich는 지속 가능한 미래를 위해 생산 공정에서 사용된 자재를 전시 구조물로 활용하고, 전시 후 다시 원래의 용도로 반환하는 방식을 채택했습니다. 중앙 정원을 중심으로 배치된 공간은 자연 속에서 휴식을 즐길 수 있는 경험을 제공하며, Camerich의 자연 친화적 캠퍼스에서 영감을 받아 설계되었습니다.

설계 구현
Camerich 파빌리온의 독창적인 설계는 재사용을 위한 최적화된 구조에 있습니다. 예를 들어, CAMERICH의 소파 제작에 사용되는 100미터 길이의 패브릭을 절단하지 않고 커튼으로 활용하였고, 나사나 접착제를 사용하지 않은 비고정 구조로 자재를 연결해 해체와 재사용이 용이하도록 설계되었습니다. 이러한 설계는 자원 낭비를 줄이면서도 안전성을 유지하며, 각 자재에는 원산지와 반환 목적지가 명시되어 자재 회수율을 극대화할 수 있었습니다.

주요 설계 요소
구성 및 배치: 파빌리온은 중앙 정원을 중심으로 방문자들이 자연스럽게 이동할 수 있는 공간을 제공합니다. Camerich의 조경 캠퍼스를 연상시키는 이 정원은 전시장에서 잠시 휴식을 취할 수 있는 공간을 제공합니다.
소재 및 질감: Camerich의 소파 직물과 목재 판자 등의 소재는 부드럽고 따뜻한 느낌을 주며, 파빌리온 전체가 아늑한 분위기를 조성합니다. 이러한 소재 선택은 방문객에게 자연과의 조화를 느끼게 하고, 지속 가능성에 대한 메시지를 전달합니다.
환경 지속성: 전시가 끝난 후 모든 자재는 원래의 용도로 돌아가며, 나무와 식물, 자갈 등은 자싱 캠퍼스의 조경에 재사용됩니다. 이러한 자원의 순환은 환경에 미치는 영향을 최소화하고, 지속 가능한 건축 철학을 실현합니다.
내부 및 외부 디자인
내부 디자인: 파빌리온 내부는 중앙 정원을 둘러싼 자연스러운 공간 배치로 구성되어 있으며, 따뜻한 조명과 반투명 커튼이 공간을 은은하게 밝혀줍니다. 부드러운 조명과 직물이 조화를 이루어 편안하고 아늑한 분위기를 제공합니다.
외부 디자인: 외벽은 나무 판자와 오렌지색 타이 다운 스트랩으로 결합되어 독특한 시각적 인상을 주며, 빛을 부드럽게 투과하는 커튼이 외부 조명과 어우러져 세련된 외관을 형성합니다.

글로벌 건축 트렌드와의 비교
Camerich의 파빌리온은 전시 후 자재를 폐기하지 않고 모두 원래의 용도로 반환하는 지속 가능한 건축 설계의 혁신적인 접근을 보여줍니다. 이는 일회성 전시물에 대한 새로운 대안을 제시하며, 자원 순환을 강조한 환경 보호와 사회적 책임을 실현하고 있습니다.

인사이트와 미래 전망
Camerich의 파빌리온은 자원 순환 철학을 바탕으로 지속 가능한 건축의 새로운 방향성을 제시합니다. 이는 미래의 건축이 자원을 재사용하고 순환하는 방식으로 나아가야 한다는 메시지를 담고 있으며, 다른 브랜드와 건축 프로젝트에도 영감을 줄 수 있는 중요한 사례로 자리 잡을 것입니다.

Camerich의 Temporary Storage Garden Pavilion은 자원 순환을 통한 지속 가능성을 실현한 독창적인 건축 모델입니다. 이 파빌리온은 일회성 구조물이 아닌, 자원의 순환과 재사용을 실천하는 미래 지향적 전시물로, 환경에 대한 책임을 강조하며 지속 가능한 건축의 새로운 가능성을 제시합니다. 이를 통해 Camerich는 미래 건축이 나아가야 할 방향을 제시하며, 다른 건축가와 브랜드에도 지속 가능성의 가치를 전달합니다. Camerich의 철학을 반영한 이 파빌리온은 현대 건축의 중요한 이정표로 자리매김할 것입니다.

Write by ChatGPT & 5osa


This pavilion, designed by architecture firm Semester Studio for a furniture exhibition in Shanghai, was built entirely using materials that were separated and returned to their source after the show.

The Temporary Storage Garden pavilion was created by Semester Studio for furniture producer Camerich's presentation at the 2023 China International Furniture Fair.

Rather than displaying its latest collections, Camerich wanted to highlight its commitment to social and environmental sustainability, which informed its new research and manufacturing campuses in China.

The pavilion was organised around a central garden that recalled the brand's landscaped campuses and provided visitors with an opportunity for respite in the midst of the bustling trade fair.

The structure was built with materials from Camerich's production, which were unaltered and labelled with their origin and destination to aid in the logistics of their return following the expo.

"We set for ourselves the simple challenge of achieving zero waste in realising the transient structure," said Semester Studio, adding that its design offered an alternative to typical exhibition stands that are typically discarded after just a brief period of use.

"The pavilion is conceived as a temporary storage of materials diverted from the furniture maker's intricate supply chains and production lines," it added.

"The borrowed materials are carefully arranged to avoid damage, allowing them to be returned to their original use when dismantled."

The pavilion's base was made from ash planks bound together using orange tie down straps and ratchets to create a stable space frame without the need for screw fixings.

Rolls of the base-upholstery fabric used for Camerich's sofas were used in their original 100-metre length to create draped curtains above the wooden base without the need for cutting.

The temporary garden provided the setting for an exhibition of seven architectural models that showcased the designs of Camerich's facilities in Beijing and Jiaxing.

The models were displayed on top of the wooden crates they were transported in, which were then reused to return them. The exhibition also included historical photographs of the campuses, along with construction images and drawings.

Task lamps used to illuminate the displays were borrowed from the Beijing Campus, while the linear lights that provided ambient lighting were forwarded to the Jianxing factory to be used as supplementary lighting.

The trees, plants and gravel in the garden were also sent to Jiaxing to become part of the campus's landscaping. All of the maple trees and plants with roots were packaged at the nursery to enable transport and replanting.

The concept of placing a garden at the centre of the exhibition space was informed by Camerich's Beijing creative campus, which features a garden that employees pass through as they move between the various buildings.

As part of the exhibition, Camerich produced a special-edition newspaper made from recycled paper and eco-friendly ink that provided information about the planning of the new campuses, as well as its ideas around sustainability and social responsibility.

Semester worked closely with Camerich after the exhibition to monitor how the materials were returned and reused. The studio claimed that 92 per cent of material costs were recovered, accounting for £84,000 of the £94,000 production cost.

from dezeen


Designed by JB FACTORY