자연이 우리에게 준 큰 선물중에 하나가 바다이다.
그 바다와 면해서 형성된 워터프론트는
적절한 야외 공용공간을 계획함으로써
그 활용성을 높인다.
또한 야외공간에서 빠지 않아할 것이
차양시설인데 여기 캐노피 구조물은
공원의 구심점과 허브 역활을 겸하도록 계획되었다.
이용자들에게는 적적한 차양시설로 휴식공간을
주고 이와 더불어 매점과 카페테리아 그리고 화장실을
계획하여 공원을 이용하는데 불편함이 없도록 하였다.
그럼, 아웃도어 스페이스 계획과 이너스페이스의 계획은 어떤
큰 차이점이 있을까?
아마 어반 플래너나 랜드 플래너에게 물어보면 더 확실한 답을
들을 수도 있게지만 내 생각에는 프로그램으로 구성된 공간의 연속성을
어떤한 위계로 정하느냐 같다.
건축가 또는 인테리어 디자이너는 한정된 공간을
계획하기 때문에 공간을 먼저 계획하고
공간을 잇는 동선들을 계획하게 된다.
하지만 어반 플래너는 아웃도어스페이스를 계획할때
동선을 먼저 계획하고
그 동선선상에 적절한 프로그램 공간을 계회 한다.
벤치, 키오스크, 파빌리온 등등 공간 위계에
따라 계획되는 공간의 크기는 다르겠지만.
더 오래 머물 것인지, 잠깐 머물것인지...
내 이야기가 물론 정답은 아니다.
하지만 무엇을 주된 공간을 볼 것이냐가
관건이지 않을까 싶다.
Pirrama Park at Pyrmont, designed collaboratively by Hill Thalis, Aspect Studios and CAB, brings the formerly alienated public land of the Water Police site at Pyrmont into the public realm. The collaborative design for the City of Sydney began with the Master Plan and continued through detailed design and documentation from 2005-2008. The park
Pirrama Park at Pyrmont, designed collaboratively by Hill Thalis, Aspect Studios and CAB, brings the formerly alienated public land of the Water Police site at Pyrmont into the public realm.
The collaborative design for the City of Sydney began with the Master Plan and continued through detailed design and documentation from 2005-2008. The park’s plan contrasts the natural and man-made, which are interpreted by a distinct ground plane and planting.
As a result the spatial experience of the Point and Green, the Grove, the Sheltered Bay, the Playground and the Community Square, combine to give the park its experiential richness.
The architectural elements include a steel stair hung from the sandstone cliff face and three shade pavilions. A canopy and belvedere help define a landscaped square at the harbour edge termination of Harris Street.
The Canopy and Belvedere provide a welcoming entrance and civic-scaled shelter for the new two-hectare Pirrama Park in Pyrmont, announcing its presence to city and harbour and adding to Harris Street’s rich sequence of urban spaces, community and public buildings dotted along its length.
The lofty Canopy and grounded Belvedere are complementary structures that overlap in plan and section. The Canopy’s north end provides a grand protected entry into the park, while its south end extends over the Belvedere to provide a more intimate yet elevated viewing terrace.
The Canopy provides generous shade and shelter to the elements, and becomes the architectural symbol of the park. Sheltered by its copper parasol, the undulating timber-battened soffit follows the section of the alternating profile of the trusses.
The Belvedere seamlessly enlarges Harris Street’s footpath. Beneath the Belvedere are compacted the functional elements of the park services, public toilets and a café / kiosk. Together the structures are enlivened by human occupation. Whether walking along the footpath, perched against the belvedere balustrade, snacking in the café, drinking from the bubblers, or sitting in the shade, the architecture forms the dignified backdrop to urban life, to quiet solitude and happy socialisation.
The collaborative design for the City of Sydney began with the Master Plan and continued through detailed design and documentation from 2005-2008. The park’s plan contrasts the natural and man-made, which are interpreted by a distinct ground plane and planting.
As a result the spatial experience of the Point and Green, the Grove, the Sheltered Bay, the Playground and the Community Square, combine to give the park its experiential richness.
The architectural elements include a steel stair hung from the sandstone cliff face and three shade pavilions. A canopy and belvedere help define a landscaped square at the harbour edge termination of Harris Street.
The Canopy and Belvedere provide a welcoming entrance and civic-scaled shelter for the new two-hectare Pirrama Park in Pyrmont, announcing its presence to city and harbour and adding to Harris Street’s rich sequence of urban spaces, community and public buildings dotted along its length.
The lofty Canopy and grounded Belvedere are complementary structures that overlap in plan and section. The Canopy’s north end provides a grand protected entry into the park, while its south end extends over the Belvedere to provide a more intimate yet elevated viewing terrace.
The Canopy provides generous shade and shelter to the elements, and becomes the architectural symbol of the park. Sheltered by its copper parasol, the undulating timber-battened soffit follows the section of the alternating profile of the trusses.
The Belvedere seamlessly enlarges Harris Street’s footpath. Beneath the Belvedere are compacted the functional elements of the park services, public toilets and a café / kiosk. Together the structures are enlivened by human occupation. Whether walking along the footpath, perched against the belvedere balustrade, snacking in the café, drinking from the bubblers, or sitting in the shade, the architecture forms the dignified backdrop to urban life, to quiet solitude and happy socialisation.
Type Public - Park
Location: Pirrama Road,Sydney, Australia
Client: City of Sydney
Building status: built in 2010
Number of stories: 2
Site size: 25000 m2
Site type: urban
from architizer
Location: Pirrama Road,Sydney, Australia
Client: City of Sydney
Building status: built in 2010
Number of stories: 2
Site size: 25000 m2
Site type: urban
from architizer