*가상의 세계, 미디어 인터렉티브 만나다 [ Chris O’Shea ] Little Magic Stories

interactive design

동화책이 현실로 구현된다.
놀이와 인터렉티브 미디어가 만나 새로운 공간을 창출했다.
이렇게 가상공간, 디지털 공간과의 조우는 우리를 즐겁게 하는 것은
물론 우리가 상상하는 모든 공간들을 창출해 낸다.
아마 조금더 기술이 발전된다면 건축물을 짓기 전에
미리 다양한 공간의 체험을 하여 건축가에게는
새로운 영감을 주고 건축주에게는 현실적인 타당성을
검증 받을 수 있지 않을까 싶다.

Little Magic Stories is the latest project by Chris O’Shea, with aim to encourage children to use their creativity to bring stories to life. The installation allows them to create a performance from within their imagination, on stage, in front of an audience of family and friends.

This version
This is the first version of the project to test the idea and build the system. This story about the seasons was created entirely by the children, with the interactivity in the scenes built by me. Some scenes used motion detection in zones to trigger animations, such as catching Easter eggs, squashing sand castles or launching fireworks. Body tracking and basic physics were used in other scenes.

The future
I am planning to use this project in workshops with groups of children to get them excited about storytelling. They will be able to use the system to create their own narratives, as well as drawing the content by hand, before performing to their friends.

The system will have improved physics, dynamic animation of objects and scene animated sounds.

Chris used the Musion Eyeliner holographic projection system for this project, allowing the graphics to appear to be alongside the performers. This uses a technique called Pepper’s ghost, and you can see the technical set-up here. An Xbox Kinect camera was also used to track the performers on stage.

The software was custom written in C++ and used openFrameworks, openCV and Box2D.

from  creativeapplications


Designed by JB FACTORY