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하지만 우리보다 먼저 앞서간 '프랭크 게리', '자하하디드'와 같은
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이제는 디지털 디자이너라는 영역도 자리를 잡고 있는게 사실이죠.
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거기서 중요한 것은 다공간감적인 디자인의 사고겠지요.
Hosted at the Gerald D. Hines College of Architecture at the University of Houston, Vlad Tenu’s winning entry to REPEAT: digital fabrication competition, Minimal Complexity, was the highlight of the lively TEX-FAB 2.0 and REPEAT exhibition. The event included a distinguished group of speakers from the academic, professional and fabrication communities that took place from February 10th to the 13th. More images and exhibition highlights after the break.
Launched with a keynote lecture Thursday February 10th by Branko Kolarevic, Chair in Integrated Design at the University of Calgary, TEX-FAB 2.0 began its second event to great success. Well over 100 attendees from across the US, Mexico and the UK attended the Friday lecture series and weekend workshops. Invited speakers with significant accomplishments within the field included L. William Zahner, Ceo & President of, ZAHNER®, Patrick Hood-Daniel of BuildYourOwnCNC.com and MetaLab directors Joe Meppelink and Andrew Vrana.
Workshops followed on the weekend as a two-day event led by internationally recognized instructors within the field of parametric modeling provided a robust opportunity for participants to be exposed to the highest level of concentrated learning possible. TEX-FAB 2.0 workshop instructors included Marc Fornes of theverymany: Scripted Design; Chris Lasch of Aranda / Lasch: Algorithmic Design; Gil Akos and Ronnie Parsons of Studio Mode: Parametric Design.
Highlighted within the REPEAT Exhibition was Minimal Complexity, by Vlad Tenu. The work was selected the winner of the REPEAT: digital fabrication competition, commissioned and built in January. The competition drew 95 teams of 1-4 designers from 19 states in the US, 18 countries and 5 continents. The jury of internationally recognized academics and practitioners that included Patrik Schumacher, Marc Fornes, Chris Lasch, Lisa Iwamoto and Blair Satterfield reviewed all the entries and conferred their choice in November 2010.
TEX-FAB commissioned Minimal Complexity by sponsoring the REPEAT: digital fabrication competition and partnered with Vlad Tenu as the fabrication consultants for the realization of the project as it appears in the REPEAT traveling exhibition. TEX-FAB is a non-profit organization formed by Brad Bell, Kevin Patrick McClellan, and Andrew Vrana as a collective action, one that endeavors to combine divergent interests and capabilities, for the purpose of strengthening the regional discourse around digital fabrication and parametric design.
from archdaily
Workshops followed on the weekend as a two-day event led by internationally recognized instructors within the field of parametric modeling provided a robust opportunity for participants to be exposed to the highest level of concentrated learning possible. TEX-FAB 2.0 workshop instructors included Marc Fornes of theverymany: Scripted Design; Chris Lasch of Aranda / Lasch: Algorithmic Design; Gil Akos and Ronnie Parsons of Studio Mode: Parametric Design.
Highlighted within the REPEAT Exhibition was Minimal Complexity, by Vlad Tenu. The work was selected the winner of the REPEAT: digital fabrication competition, commissioned and built in January. The competition drew 95 teams of 1-4 designers from 19 states in the US, 18 countries and 5 continents. The jury of internationally recognized academics and practitioners that included Patrik Schumacher, Marc Fornes, Chris Lasch, Lisa Iwamoto and Blair Satterfield reviewed all the entries and conferred their choice in November 2010.
TEX-FAB commissioned Minimal Complexity by sponsoring the REPEAT: digital fabrication competition and partnered with Vlad Tenu as the fabrication consultants for the realization of the project as it appears in the REPEAT traveling exhibition. TEX-FAB is a non-profit organization formed by Brad Bell, Kevin Patrick McClellan, and Andrew Vrana as a collective action, one that endeavors to combine divergent interests and capabilities, for the purpose of strengthening the regional discourse around digital fabrication and parametric design.
from archdaily
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