디지털 패브릭케이션의 백미를 보여주는 프로젝트네요.
아직 패션은 주로 패브릭으로 만들어내는 2차원적인 외피를
3차원 형성으로 구축되어지고 만들어지고 있다.
하지만 이제 컴퓨터상에서 구현된 3차원 모델링을
집적 3d프린팅을 이용해 만들어 내는 새로운
패러다임을 만들어 냈다.
엠지엑스는 이전의 작업에서도 램프디자인을 통하여
디지털 패브릭케이션으로 구현된 3차원 디자인 모형들을 보여주었는데
이번 프로젝트에서는 디자인의 결정체인 패션과의 만남으로 또다른
대안을 제시하고 있다.
요사이 3차원 프린팅의 재료의 발전으로 경도가 높은 구조체에서 부터
플렉시블한 패브릭과 같은 재질의 구현 또한 가능해 졌다.
아직은 커스텀하기 때문에 가격적인 면이 부담되기는 하지만
곧 우리에게 올 미래가 아닐까 싶다.
London architect Daniel Widrig has collaborated with fashion designer Iris van Herpen and digital manufacturers .MGX by Materialise to create a collection of digitally printed clothing.
Called Escapism, the project is a development of an earlier collaboration between the designers (see our earlier story), to make more lightweight and flexible 3D printed dresses.
Escapism is a continuation of the collaboration between London based architect Daniel Widrig and dutch fashion designer Iris van Herpen.
The project started with Crystallization, the first fashion collection ever featuring 3d printed dresses. Crystallization was launched at the Amsterdam Fashion Week in 2010.
Escapism attempted to further investigate possibilities and potentiality of advanced digital design techniques and computer aided manufacturing in the realm of haute couture fashion design.
Based on earlier experiences made with digitally manufactured dresses, Escapism pushes the limits of 3D printing in order to increase the wearability of the pieces.
The dresses are composed of clusters of fiber-like elements with minimized diameters. The fineness of the printed lines of the fabric makes the overall objects lightweight, flexible and allows for an economic production.
The geometric concept further allowed the designers to create larger objects without comprimising wearability and the model’s mobility on the catwalk.
The collection was produced in collaboration with New York based label .MGX by Materialise via selective laser sintering (SLS) in Polyamide.
Escapism was first presented at the Paris Fashion Week earlier this year.
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