큐비즘 영원 숙제
2011년 1월9일 부터 2월 27일까지 비비드 갤러리에서 열리는
큐빅스,그랏스마 전 이에요.
건축을 하는 사람은 물론 디자인을 하는 사람이면 평생 풀어야 숙제이기도 하죠.
어쩌면 이 숙제를 제대로 풀지 못하며서 비정형을 논한다는 것이 아이러니 하죠.
공간을 구성하기 위한 시작되는 유닛을 얼마큼 잘 이해하고 쓸수 있는가는
건축가 또는 디자이너의 부단한 노력에 의해서 만들어지는 거죠.
제가 nonlinear uniform을 다루는 팀에 있지만 아직은 가야 할 길
쌓아야 기본기에 대한 길은 먼 것 같습니다.
After an architectural training Jan Slothouber (1918 - 2007) and William Graatsma (1925)
worked as architects / designers from 1955 for the Dutch State Mines
(DSM). Here they designed the packing, product applications,
advertisements and exhibitions and gave the company a recognizable
face. Within the information service of DSM the two had an unique
position: they could build their own world and developed the principle of cubic constructions. The cubic as a main point brought restriction but also clearity in the multiplicity of possibilities according to Slothouber and Graatsma. The use of several materials adds each time new aspects to the functioning of the cubic constructions.
With their work Slothouber and Graatsma
had a clear social intention. The designers considered themselves in
fact as ' anonymous ' discoverers of the many applications of cubics.
In democratic passing these possibilities, in which the useful
construction exceeds the personal, artistic claim, lies the meaning of
their activities. On one hand their working method was entirely new, on
the other hand it had been linked with an old idealistic tradition,
which propagated an important role for art and design in
Almost accidentally Slothouber and Graatsma entered the world
of the visual arts. The Stedelijk Museum in Amsterdam asked them to
make the exhibition with the title Vier kanten: maat, vorm, kleur,
letter (Four Sides: Size, Shape, Colour, Letter). After that they
founded the Centre for Cubic Constructions (CCC). Several fascinating
presentations folowed, among that in the Art & Project gallery in
1968 and the Dutch presentation at the The Venice Biennial in 1970.
In 2003 the VIVID Gallery
made an important exhibition showing work of Jan Slothouber &
William Graatsma. After that The Stedelijk Museum in Amsterdam and the
Van Abbemuseum added several works to their collection and the Van
Abbemuseum organised in 2008 the exhibition 'Jan Slothouber
In 2011, VIVID Gallery is pleased to announce the exhibition: 'cubics, cubic constructions collection Graatsma'.
January 9 - February 27, 2011
'cubics, cubic constructions collection Graatsma'
VIVID Gallery
Scheepmakershaven 17
NL-3011 VA Rotterdam
The Netherlands
+31 [0] 10 4136321
Opening hours: Tuesday - Sunday, 12 - 6 pm
from yatzer