아트갤러리의 출입구의 오픈스페이스 공간에 계획되어 있는
직사각형의 콘크리트 페이빙 위에 선형의 조경을 계획하여 리드믹컬한
상황을 연출했어요. 드문드문 적절히 배치한 콘크리트 벤치는
스트라이프 조경에 의해 나누어지는 페이빙 공간 (보행자로)에
놓여져 전체 공간의 포인트 역활은 물론 잠시 쉬어 갈 수 있는 (pause point)를 주네요.
Stripes of paving, plants and lighting form the entrance to Ben- Gurion University campus in Be’er Sheba, Israel, designed by Israeli firm Chyutin Architects.
The landscaped garden sits in a sunken plaza with a long lawn area on one side.
Rectangular concrete plinths coming up from the ground serve as benches.
The square serves an an entrance area for the university and also for an art gallery, which is planned for the site.
Here’s some more information from the architects:
BGU University Entrance Square & Art Gallery
The Deichmann square and the Negev Gallery constitute a link
between Ben-Gurion University campus and the city of Be’er Sheva. The
square serves as an entrance gate to the western side of the campus,
surrounded by existing buildings and the future Negev Gallery. The
square offers an outdoor space for cultural and social activities for
students and for the city population.
Project Name : BGU University Entrance Square & Art Gallery
Architects: Chyutin Architects Ltd.
Location: Beer sheba, Israel
Client: Ben-Gurion University
Deichmann square team: Bracha Chyutin, Michael Chyutin, Ethel Rosenhek, Joseph Perez
Art Gallery team: Bracha Chyutin, Michael Chyutin, Ethel Rosenhek, Joseph Perez, Jacques Dahan,
Gallery Area: 2500 Sq. M
Square Area: 4500 Sq. M
Project year gallery: 2008 -
Project year square: 2009 -
from dezeen