Buurt 9 (neighborhood number nine) is a characteristic piece of the Amsterdam Western Garden Cities, a big housing development of the 1950s and 1960s built with the aim to house as many people as quickly as possible. But the design of the Garden Cities has enormous spatial qualities: sequences of spacious parks surround the neighborhoods and give the development its name.

Recently the area needed to be upgraded. The smaller houses have to be replaced by bigger apartments and villas in order to attract middle class residents. The technical standards of the buildings have to be improved to meet new requirements. Many lawns are filled-up contradicting one of the best qualities of the Cities: the spacious lawns and parks.

How can the Buurt 9 renovation comment on this development? How can it densify while adding to the parks? Can it create an icon out of this operation? Buurt 9 consists of 174 standard small housing units that are located in three L-shaped buildings positioned next to a small park.By replacing them in a compact but impressive volume, the park can be enlarged. It leads to an impressive volume that obtains attention, for itself but maybe (and that is more important) for the new neighborhood. The proportions of the outline for the block, 135 m long by 34 m high and 34 m deep, could be considered as mansion-like in relation to the even more spacious park. A new “landhouse” arises that produces more character for the park.

By splitting the program into five towers that are sandwiched between a deck with the amenities and roof of penthouses, an open and airy block is formed, offering variations of views from all directions. It creates a lifted semi-public park, a semi-public balcony that overlooks the park. This garden can be seen as a supplement to the park and ‘enlarges’ it, even when it is built...

The garden offers better protection to rain and wind, secured access, and more intimate spaces and playgrounds. It will be used more frequently and by different people than the park. This space becomes the central space for the inhabitants, the “living room,” that’s been stressed by soft furniture, decorative walls, ceiling and floor finishes, plants, and “chandeliers.”

The towers are positioned in such a way that on the one hand they do not block views from the neighborhood to the park and on the other all apartments located in the towers combine a view to the park with good sun orientation. This is achieved by perforating the roof plate with three holes. In the bottom plate this principle is repeated, so by making two courtyards that give light, view and access to the apartments on the first level. In that way the new Buurt Ne9en park building is adding more “garden” and more “city” to the changing Western Garden Cities of Amsterdam. It is continuing the optimistic tradition that characterizes the history of these neighborhoods.

from  architeria

네델란드에 '이웃집 남바 9' 이라는 곳이 있는데 이는 50년대와 60년대에 신속한 인구유입을 위해 만든 대단지 계획이랍니다. 그런데 그러면서도 외부공간의 퀄리티가 썩이나 훌륭했던 모양이네요. 그러한 전통을 핑계삼에 엠비알디비가 만든 새로운 건물입니다. 각 타워가 서로 시계를 침범하지 않고... 바람이나 빛이 잘 통하고.. 머 이런 대충 많이 들어본 말은 제외하고 재밌는건 소규모의 다수주호와 정원과의 관계정립 정도가 되겠네요. 다른 사진들을 찾아보면 사이트가 꽤나 이쁩니다. 물도있고 레벨차이도 있고.. 가운데 준공용 정원도 레벨이 다양하니 재밌네요. 근데 태풍오면 저기 달린 조형물 안떨어질라나.. 이나라는 그런거 안오나;;


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