[ ECDM ] Student Housing in Epinay

Architects: Emmanuel Combarel Dominique Marrec
Location: Epinay, France
Project Manager: Aliette Chauchat
Client: Espacil Habitat
Project Management Associate: Betom, BET - Michel Larsonneur
Constructed Area: 9,000 sqm
Project year: 2003-2008
Photographs: Benoit Fougeirol
The conception of our project joins in a second reading of the landscape of the road of Saint leu, by integrating its history and its transformations to assert the manners and the qualities and reveal the poetry of the place. The project will have to play the role of revelation of a district in future, articulation of a split up territory, a synthesis of a town planning consisted of industrial and commercial buildings, detached flags of the last century, complexes and public equipments. The stakes are to impose a politeness on a secondary road, to desynchronize the shelf space built by the rhythm of the automobile, to modify the perception of a landscape having undergone without having controlled it the transformation of its territory. The politeness is there, but very little legible; it is a question of making it the evident presence.
site plan

The project foresees the reception on the plot of land of three autonomous and additional programs: a residence for students of 150 housing for 170 residents, 19 housing for researchers or invited professors and housing for women in distresses. The objective is to create some social coeducation while having for each of the establishments a management with human scale benefiting from synergies between establishments. So the project foresees guards accommodation, private study rooms, laundry, space out relaxation internal and outer, gardens were fitted out with fruit trees. In break with a territory which would be too dense to be really plant and too chaotic to be urban, the project reintroduces and prolong the morphology of the fragmented which structured the district, by four buildings of differentiated writings. Joining the geometry everything in length of the plots of land of the district, built household of wide spaces of full végétalisée ground. In this urban logic, overlaps a geographical logic with a rational orientation of the east-west buildings and the facades protected from the noise pollutions of the voices shod and of the secondary road by effect of mask. The constructions join the size of the district, in volumes developed on more packed R+2. The volumetry of each of 4 buildings is specific to become integrated into its immediate environment, manage transitions with existing neighboring. The global density of the plot of land will be about 1.25, density which seems to us rather strong to be carrier of politeness and rather weak to be able to assure a sewing with the adjoining suburban zone.

Federative element of an ill-assorted district, the project will be urban facade on the road of Saint leu in the North, to become more paysagé and coil up in the continuity of fragmented one suburban very structured in the South.

from  archdaily

프랑스에 학생 기숙사인데.. 읽어봐도 무슨 말인지 선뜻 이해가 잘 가지 않네요;;
뭐 주변 도시의 맥락에 맞춰 건물을 형태를 결정하고 3개의 프로그램에 따라 평면을 배치했다는 일반적인 내용 + 뭔가 있어보이는 내용인데 역시 디테일한 내용은 이해하기 ㅈㅅ.

밖에서 보이는 다이아몬드 형태의 입면은 사진에 잠시 나오는 주변의 색 및 벽돌들이랑 얼추 어울린다고 이해하며 자위하고 넘어가고...왠지 슬라브 하단의 뾱뾱이도 그렇고 귀여운 느낌인데.. 중간 흑인님 사진찍을걸 보니 작가가 간지를 아는듯.


Designed by JB FACTORY