This new relation between technologies and built spaces has opened awide array of possibilities, that we are just starting to see. Andthat´s why I choose this practice for this week´s AD Futures.
SPARC, a team of architects at MIT, is a Boston based researchpractice dedicated to exploring the world of architecture,design, urbanism and landscape architecture through investigations ofdesign techniques and material technologies with regard to their affecton global culture. We explore the relationships between the body andspace through performative designs. SPARC’s commitment to designinnovation has its foundation in the accumulative experience of itsfounders:
Sergio Araya, Architect, MIT
Orkan Telhan, Media Artist, MIT
Duks Koschitz, Architect, MIT
Alexandros Tsamis Architect, MIT
We work on projects at different scales ranging from object designto landscapes. We often collaborate with artists, designers andinnovative consultants in the development of inventive solutionsfor multifaceted projects.
SPARC’s research investigates methods to design and fabricatearchitecture with different levels of “embedded behavior” orresponsiveness by combining different physical material properties ofnew designed “smarter” composites. This investigation is part of thefundamental interest of SPARC in exploring the relations betweenbody and space through performative design, where designed materialbecomes an active interface between people and the built environment.
The process for distributing material properties is applied toexplore the possibilities of embedding smart behaviors for builtcomponents. Aesthetics and function are implicated by thisreorganization. SPARC contributes to the professional discourse and theindustry, by providing a repertoire of design and building techniques.
HiDrone is an adaptable architecture gallery made of hydraulicallyoperating pistons that are virtually and literally reconfigurable,filling and releasing water recycled from the Thames River. HiDrone hastwo states. When closed, it acts as a 3D screen. When open, it createsoccupiable space. The piston operates distinctly at various scalesranging from display unit and furniture, all the way to enclosed,occupiable space. These pistons are pre-stressed with springs, which,when filled with water, assume a closed position. By controlling theamount of water released from the units, the volume of the objectacquires different configurations.
Cutting Edge
1st Prize Awarded Gillette Landmark International Design Competition, 2009
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