[ Nora Graw ] Animated Atmosphere


German architecture graduate Nora Graw has sent us these images of her diploma project for the film industry, located on the waterfront in Buenos Aires, Argentina.


Called Animated Atmosphere, the project was completed while Graw was studying at Studio Lynn, an architecture course run by American architect Greg Lynn at the University of Applied Arts in Vienna, Austria.


The building contains cinemas and exhibition spaces for public events alongside offices designed for small businesses involved in the film industry.


The information below is from Graw:

Conventional films are restricted in physical conditions of the film set, or collage an artificial surrounding to suggest the wanted atmosphere and aesthetic. Animated films create an abstract world that mimics qualities of the physical that are extracted and exaggerated in animated films, where characteristics are adopted to create an environment that through its aesthetic creates an all-around coulisse. The goal is to create an environment for this profession with characteristics of the coulisse, layering of scenes and interconnecting various stage settings to take part in the ‘real world’.


My goal was to create surfaces with imprinted conditions (structure, ornament, shading,…) that transform continuously through blending and superimposing specific surface information to create a diverse set of scenes and creating spatial depth with strong perspectives. I am interested in a cohesive exterior with an iconic image and a multilayered permeable interior. The layers merge and separate to reveal different surface qualities and organize space.


The newly developing district Puerto Madero in Buenos Aires, Argentina, gives the opportunity to integrate a contemporary architectural design and form an identity for the emerging district. Located on the waterfront of the old port the facade and silhouette of the building impacts the skyline of the district seen from the old town.


The idea of multiple unique offices sharing and represented in a corporate building triggers the discourse of the relation of the exterior appearance to interior facades. The upcoming designers are represented as a collective identity to the exterior and still show their uniqueness in a spatial complexity on the interior.


The building hosts large volumes as movie screening, exhibition and entertaining facilities acting as a programmatic attractor for the public, which will in turn highlight the smaller businesses and give insight into the movie making industry. Spatial programmatic elements such as combinable offices + conference room and editing facilities + server room provide opportunities for a rigorous organization in solid clusters. These solids nest in a fabric of layers that host programmatic related spaces.


from  dezeen

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Designed by JB FACTORY