[ UNStudio ] Youturn Pavilion

UNStudio shared their new pavilion for the 29th Art Biennale in Sao Paulo, Brazil with us.   The project is intended to encourage interaction between the participants and visitors by creating a place for display, discussion, and debate. An artistic expression that also functions programmatically, the pavilion embodies the dynamic geometry and spatial qualities common in the firm’s work (to compare, be sure to check out UNStudio’s New Amsterdam Pavilon or the Burnham Pavilion previously featured on AD).
The exhibition includes a total of six ‘terrieros’ which form a circulation route across the display spaces. Visitors “find themselves traveling through spaces of expression, interpretation, and contemplation. These dynamic movements are formalized and transcribed into a design model, which in turn creates a dynamic space through the convergence of path and destination.”

The Youturn Pavilion examines the contrast between providing a space for solitude as well as a space of interaction by layering geometries to create a simple circle which sits within the more rigid exterior triangle. The centripetal movement and form of the structure wraps and encircles the users from the surrounding biennale, while simultaneously creating a central void; the focal point where all lines, surfaces and viewpoints converge.   Ben van Berkel commented, “We wanted to create an environment in which more can take place than simply experiencing the object itself. The object can then also become a dialogue machine.”

from  archdaily


Designed by JB FACTORY